Saturday, November 21, 2009

Geo Sketchpad

From Natalie's workshop today, I had realized what a powerful tool the geosketchpad could be to bring out mathematics. One amazing feature was that the program did not make us use that much numbers, and had us constructing shapes and questioning basic properties of triangles and such. It's definitely a tool that I would love to incorporate into the classroom.

A few worries from the seminar that I had however were that I don't feel very competent with my geometry and am not sure if I would be able to incorporate the program into the classroom well. Secondly, as a pre-teacher, one of my main concerns would be time and I wouldn't want to stray away from the PLO's too much.

However, I'm very glad and excited that I had the opportunity to experience and play around with this technology. Hopefully, I'll figure out a way to effectively incorporate this into the classroom setting- even if it's just a method to introduce geometry or a way to wrap up the unit and solidify a student's understanding.

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